Monday, August 20, 2018

Delete Your EyeEm Account,Closing The Account HOWTO

EyeEm Account Deletion

You can start by clicking the share EyeEm account delete link, which is one of the simplest methods to perform your Eyeem account delete operation.:

If you are not logged in to your account from the browser you want to perform the operation. You must log in by typing in your e-mail address or nickname to which you linked your eyeem account. If you have already logged in to your eyeem account, you will receive a screen like the following::

If you have already logged in to your account or have logged in by following the process above, this will be the screen that will meet you immediately from behind. Here eyeem asks if you really want to delete your account. If you want to delete the Eyeem account, you must press the red button below.

After pressing the button, it will redirect you to the home page without displaying any warning or notification screen. Please do not worry that your account closure has been successful.

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Delete Your EyeEm Account,Closing The Account HOWTO
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