Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Thursday, August 16, 2018

How To Delete A Facebook Account

What You Need To Watch Before You Delete Your Facebook Account

Once you have deleted your Facebook account, it is important to remind you that you will never be able to access the pictures and other information contained in it again. In the same way, all actions and shares you perform on Facebook will be deleted along with the deletion process. At the same time, your friends can't reach you from the moment you start deleting them.

Although Facebook account deletion steps are not very complex, we can say that the link to you will be much easier. However, you should wait 2 weeks for the deletion process. This is because Facebook's account deletion policies can be called. If you enter your Facebook account again after 2 weeks before the expiration of the order to delete the account and click the Cancel button, your deletion will be cancelled.

When you perform a deletion, you will have to wait 2 weeks for the transaction to take place again. So it's kind of a Facebook account freeze process. After the Facebook account freezing process, you can access your account by logging in within 2 weeks if you wish.

Facebook Account Deletion Lecture Notes

Please note that before you perform the Facebook account deletion process, please do not forget to read our post before you delete the Facebook account mentioned above.

We have tried to explain Facebook account deletion with screen shots in the shortest and easiest way possible. You can easily perform Facebook account freezing and Facebook account deletion by following the steps explained in your own account by clicking on the link we share below to perform your transaction in the shortest way.

You can start your transaction by clicking on this link and going to the Facebook account deletion page:

If you have already logged in to your account, you can continue with the second screenshot.

When you click on the link, you will be greeted with such a screen if you have not already logged in to the Account you want to delete your Facebook account:

Delete A Facebook Account

If you do not log in to your Facebook account before you do your transaction in the browser you want to delete the account you want to delete from this screen when you click on the link shared you need to enter the correct information.

After logging in or if you have already logged in the next screen will be as follows::

If you click on the” delete my account " button, you will be asked to enter the password and security query of your Facebook account that you want to delete from this screen “ It should be noted that Facebook does not have a special password to delete the account password.

The password you need to write there is the password of your current Facebook account. The security question is everyone, and the process can change every time you want to perform it. Facebook randomly assigns this question. Therefore, if there is a security question other than the example below, please answer that question.:

If you answer your password and security question correctly, a message box will appear as follows. As described in this message box, your account will be completely deleted after 14 days. This completes your Facebook account freeze process.

You can log back into your account within 14 days and cancel your Facebook account deletion. If you cancel your Facebook account after logging in to your account, you may continue to use it as if you had never performed it without any loss in your account.

Delete A Facebook Account From A Mobile Device

Unfortunately Facebook does not allow you to permanently delete your Facebook account through the mobile application. Instead, performing the same actions mentioned above through your mobile device browser will help you permanently delete your Facebook account. You can find the Facebook account deletion link below.

You can delete your Facebook account permanently by clicking on this link and following the steps to delete your Facebook account above within 14 days. If you log in to your account within 14 days, you will only be able to perform the Facebook account freeze process.

How To Exchange Facebook E-Mail

Before You Change Your Facebook E-Mail Address

You can use any of the e-mail addresses associated with your account as your login e-mail address. If you have given one of your e-mail addresses to someone else and you know your password, you will be able to easily log in to your account. Our advice is not to give your e-mail addresses and passwords to anyone else.

Another point we need to warn you is that if you were intending to change your e-mail account because of a problem accessing your current account on the site, you should not do so. Because this process violates the terms of use, it will delay resolving your problem.

How To Change Your Facebook Email Address

To start your Facebook mail exchange process, you must first go to facebook and log in to your account by entering your username and password.

How To Change Your Facebook Email Address On A Computer
First, click the downward arrow at the top right of your Facebook homepage and then select “Settings”from the options.

Then proceed by touching “edit” on the right side of the “contact” section in the section entitled “general”.

If you have an e-mail address other than the e-mail you want to change in the main contact e-mail section, and this e-mail address is the e-mail address you will be using after you click on it and you can click on “Save changes” option and you can complete the process.

Then you can click on the “Remove” option that will appear next to your old email address. If you do this, you will be temporarily highlighted at the top of this e-mail address. This e-mail address will be permanently deleted after clicking “save changes”.

If there is only one e-mail address in the main contact e-mail section, you will need to add a new e-mail address in order to change your e-mail address. In order to do this, you must click “Add another e-mail address or cell phone number” under the main contact email. Then a small rectangular menu will open.

After entering the e-mail address you want to enter in this section, click “Add”. For security reasons, you may be prompted for your password, and after you enter your account password and confirm it, you will have added your new email address. If you do, Facebook will send an e-mail to this e-mail address. You will see the code that was sent to you after you went to this email address and clicked on it. Please check the e-mail that was sent to “e-mail address “to verify this code. click on ” confirm “under the” section “and then enter the space in the drop-down menu and press”OK".

The e-mail address you just added will then be added to the contact area. After this process, we have selected our main contact e-mail address by filling in the box on the left side of the new e-mail address that was added and selecting “save changes”. If the e-mail address you added did not go to the e-mail address you added, please look at the e-mail address “e-mail address you typed “to verify the e-mail address. you can click ” Send e-mail again “at the bottom of the article.

How To Change Your Facebook Email Address Via Mobile

Changing e-mail addresses through a mobile browser or application is also very easy. Click on three horizontal line icons at the bottom right of your screen, and then scroll down to your cursor.

Then tap on "account settings" “

From here, click on “general” at the top.

Touch the” E-mail " option.

After you tap” Add email address “and enter the email address you want to add and your account password, press” Add email". From this minute on Facebook will send an e-mail to this new e-mail address.

If you open this E-mail and enter your confirmation code in this section, your new E-mail address will be defined on Facebook. If your e-mail does not arrive, you can press “resend” from this section again.

You can then change your home email address and delete the other email address if you wish and leave it as you wish. Note that you can log in to your account with any e-mail addresses defined in your account

How To Delete Facebook Search History

How To Delete Facebook Search History?

The first thing you need to do to delete Facebook search history is, of course, log in to facebook. Then login to your account after entering your username and password. We can continue if you have already logged into the account or logged in now.

After you click the down-pointing arrow at the far right of your Facebook homepage, you should click “dump transactions”from the options.

Then, you need to click “more” at the bottom left of the gestures dump page, just below photos, likes and comments.

After clicking on this option, we have a lot more options.

We click on the “search” option in the middle of the “questions” and “saved” articles at the bottom of the expanding list of options.

After this stage, there are several options that I can do to delete the search history log.

If you want to get to this section in a shorter way, you can do this by clicking on the search box on your home screen and then tapping on the “Edit” option at the top right of the search box.

If we wish, we can delete the call records individually or delete all the records at once. To delete certain records, click on the sign at the far right of the record that we want to delete and click on the “Delete” option, which is the only option phrase that pops up. You can easily delete the records you want to delete, as well as delete all the records at once, which is an easier and effortless way.

Click “Delete search records” at the top right of the Search section and then click “are you sure? a window titled ” will appear. This window shows you a warning. Your search history gives you results from a variety of analyses to give you better results in every search you make. Deleting your search records will lose this data. Therefore, your search efforts may be disrupted.

You do not have to worry about it in any way, as you can only see the search records, unless someone else enters your account and you give your account password to someone else. However, if you are still determined to delete your search records, simply click “Delete search records” to complete your search.

How To Delete A Search History Through A Mobile Browser?

To delete your search history through your mobile browser, after logging into Facebook through your mobile browser, you can click the horizontal three lines in the bottom right corner of your screen and then scroll down to the “help and Settings” section and tap the “transaction dump” option in this section.

Then tap the “filter” option at the top and move your cursor downwards to find the “search” option and tap this option.

To delete the call records one by one, press the “x” sign on the right side of the record you want to delete, “are you sure? there will be a question called”. “Remove” means that you have deleted this entry after you press the “Delete” button.

If you want to delete all the call logs, you can switch to the Delete call logs section by tapping the “delete call logs” option at the top of the page and clicking “are you sure? you can answer the written question by tapping the ” Confirm “button.

All you have to do through Facebook mobile app is exactly the same. Whether you're using an iPhone, iPad or a device with Android operating system, there will be no difference in what you're going to do.

How to delete Facebook friends and block people

Things To Note Before Deleting Facebook Friends

When you remove a contact from your friend list, you may feel comfortable about it, as notification will not go to that person.

If this person is harassing you by sending you disturbing messages, you also have the opportunity to block this person if you wish.

When you remove a contact from your friends, you are removed from the list of friends. To be a friend again with this person, you must add that person as a friend again.

You will not be able to view the profile, photos, shares, activities of the person you are removing from your friend in any way unless it is open to everyone they like and follow.

How To Delete A Friend From Facebook

After logging in to your account, log in to the profile of the person you want to remove from your friend, and then click on the section that says “You are friends” or click on this option and then click on the “Remove from friends” option, which is the option at the bottom.

This will remove this person from your friends list. If you want to stop tracking this person, you can also turn off the “tracking” option next to “friends”.

If you want to remove a contact from your mobile browser, the actions are exactly the same.

After you have entered the profile of the person you want to delete, you can remove it from your friends by clicking on the “friends “menu and pressing” remove from friends " option.

Facebook Contact

If the people you have removed from your friendships disturb you and continue to send a friend request and continue to fill your inbox, there are a few things you can do to stop it. First of all, let's talk about what you have to do to block a person.

To block anyone, simply click the lock icon at the top right of any page you are on the Facebook site. This symbol will appear as follows.

Then he said, “How do I stop someone from bothering me? Click here.

Click on “block” after entering the name of the person you want to block, or the e-mail address that you have registered with your account on Facebook.

When you block someone, they will not receive any notification that they have been blocked. If you wish, you can click on “view all blocked users” to see the blocked users. If you want to unblock these people, you can click “unblock” in front of their names.

If you cannot find the person you want to block by this method, you can click on the “block” button at the top right side of the profile and then click on the "three dots" next to each other. If you wish, you can also complain about this person with the “report” option.

If you click this option, a notification window will appear, “help us to understand what is happening.” "What do you want to do about it? by selecting one of the three options under ” question, " you can complain about a shared share or directly to this person, or you can choose the option I want to help this person.

How To Delete A Virus In Facebok

Facebook Virus Needs To Be Paid Attention Before Deleting

These viruses are usually transmitted by clicking on pages that you don't know, by sharing sites that you don't know, and by permissions that you grant to applications that are not original primaries. This type of malware hides itself between sharing, page or other things that always attract your attention. For this reason, before you click on a link you need to think twice and act accordingly.

"You must see this!”

“Are you in this picture? He looks just like you!”

"Watch how many times I've watched it!”

when you sail to the sea you do not know, along with the links given in the extensions of messages, you put yourself in great danger and risk. You should not share your password with anyone and log in to sites that you do not trust. If you throw yourself into a different problem when you are looking for a solution to your problem, this cycle will not end and your computer will become completely unusable. Browsers have plug-ins to tell whether sites are trustworthy. It is recommended that you use these plugins, and unfortunately this is not the current issue, so we have to go without telling.

Delete Virus From Facebook Account

Viruses that access your account and share and like it outside of your control are usually caused by permissions you grant when installing malicious applications on Facebook. For example, the application you will see in the photo below can also access your basic information when you get permission to write to your wall. It can also access your data at any time. Although people often use the application quickly without paying attention to the permissions of such applications, they are putting themselves in a great danger in doing so.

We recommend that you change your account password to get rid of viruses in your Facebook account first. To do this, after entering the Facebook site, tap the down arrow in the right side and then click “Settings”from the options. You must then enter your current password in the “current” section in the “General” section and enter the new password in the “new” section and enter this password again in the “rewrite new password” section. Then you can press “Save Changes”.

Once you have changed your Facebook password, you can share it on your profile and tell your friends that you have made the shares and messages you have sent and that they should not click on the links you have posted.

Then go back to the “Settings” section and select the “applications” option at the bottom, you do not know, you do not know and when sharing on behalf of you, you have access to your information and data remove malicious applications. uugyy

Press “X” next to the application you want to remove, then click “Remove”.

In this example, we show the “mediafire” application as an example. We do not make any suggestions on this and we do not say that you should remove mediafire. We recommend removing applications that you do not know.

At the next stage, you should remove the pages that are liked without your permission and remove the people that are followed from the follow-up. Unfortunately, this process may take a long time, but it is a fact that cannot be ignored. Because during this time, the people you follow and the pages you like may have malicious content that continues to infect your account.

If you want to stop liking a page, simply click on “like” and then click on “stop liking this page”.

Click on the button that says “you are friends, follow up, message” on the right side of the cover photos of the people you are following, and you see this button turning into “follow up”.

You must be free of the virus in your account with these processes. But if you get a virus on your computer, the things you need to do are a little different. Various programs and antivirus software are produced to remove malicious software from your computer. We'il just briefly tell you a few of them.

How To Delete A Facebook Mass Message?

Ways To Delete Facebook Mass Messages

If you want to delete messages on the Facebook site, the first thing you need to do is log in to the Facebook site with your username and password. You should then click on the “messages” section in the upper-right corner of the screen. Then a small window with messages will open.

At the bottom of this small window is the “view all” option. If you click on this option, you will be able to see all the messages that you have sent to you. After that you should click on the person you want to delete the messages between you. When it comes to this person, you see both the round and the “X” symbol. The round symbol will mark messages as unread. the “X” symbol will take all conversation to the archive.

To delete your messages with this person, you must click on the wheel-shaped icon above the conversation and press “Delete conversation...” or “Delete messages...” as shown in the picture below.

If you click on the “Delete messages...” button, a small square icon will appear on the left side of each message between you and this person.

If you click on these boxes next to the messages you want to delete and select all the messages you want to delete, you can click on the “Delete messages” button at the bottom of your conversation. If you click this option, “if you delete your copy of this message, it cannot be undone. you encounter a warning called". If you want to delete the message, you can say “delete message” and click “Cancel” if you want to stop deleting the message.

If you select the “Delete conversation...” option, you will be asked to “delete a copy of this conversation that you have, this process cannot be undone. the warning will come. If you're sure about deleting, you can click “Delete conversation”.

Another way to delete your entire conversation with a person is to select the person you want to delete your conversation from the chat section on the right side of any Facebook page, and then click on the “Delete conversation...” link in the upper-right corner of the conversation window to open. As before, this process cannot be undone if you delete a copy of this conversation. the warning will come. If you have no doubt about deleting the conversation, you can click “Delete conversation” again.

This is why you can delete your messages with people who talk to you if you want, or you can delete your conversations with people if you want. After you delete the messages or conversations that you want to delete, your process will be completed. However, there is no way to completely delete your Facebook message box on Facebook.

If you delete your posts with someone on Facebook, they will only be deleted from your conversation window. If you delete the messages in the Inbox of the other party, if this person did not delete the conversations, these messages will stop.

In the same way, if you decide to delete your entire conversation with someone on Facebook, and you do this, this conversation will be deleted from your message box only. This conversation will remain in the message box of the other party, depending on whether or not the other party has deleted this conversation.

Keep in mind that you can also perform the same operations in group discussions.

Facebook mobile browser, Facebook iPhone mobile application, Facebook iPad mobile application and Facebook Android mobile application can also perform similar operations in the same way.

Another way to delete Facebook mass messages is to add attachments to your browser. You can install one of Facebook message deletion plugins for your browsers via Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera browsers, and you can manage to delete some or all of your conversations on Facebook.

How To Close Facebook Page

How Do Facebook Page Shutdown Operations?

To delete a page you own on Facebook, you do not need to be a founding member of that page. To be able to do the Facebook page shutdown process, you simply need to be the administrator of this page.

If you are the administrator of a page you want to close, you need to find your own page in the “pages” section on the left side and then click on the “Settings” icon at the top of your page.

If you select “General” from the Settings menu, you will see the “Remove page” option. If you click on this option, you will be greeted with a section like below. In this section, you can click on the Red rectangle icon and delete “your page name”.

Closing the page means that no one can see or find your page. If you click the “Delete page” button at the next step, you will be able to undo your page within fourteen days.

After this period, you will receive a confirmation window to determine whether your page will be permanently deleted. If you choose to remove the page instead of deleting it, this page will only be visible to the Administrators.facebook-page-delete

“Remove this page from the publication if you want as it appears at the top. you can check the box to the left of the ” " option to make this page visible only to administrators. You can then click “Delete page”.

If you do not see the Delete button, it may be because you are not able to close the page. If you do not know what your task is on a page or are unsure of what your task is on the page, Click on the “Settings” section at the top of the page and then click on the “page tasks” option in the left column.

In this section, you can see your role on the page for your name. If you are a page administrator, you should also be aware that you cannot perform page shutdown operations if you are not a page administrator.

If you want to delete a page that you are an administrator on the mobile browser, you should go to the page you want to close and then touch the same options called “more” next to each other and then press “Edit settings”.

You can then tap “general” and tap the Delete “page name” link at the bottom of the “Remove page”option. You can then close the page by following the instructions on the screen or by following the information at the top of this content.

If you want to delete a page via Facebook Android mobile app, you must tap the ellipsis icon on the bottom right of your page and then press “Edit settings” after you find the page you want to delete from the “pages” section on the left or Search section. You should select “General” at the next stage.

You can close the page by touching the Delete page name link at the bottom of the “Remove page” option in this section and following the steps on the screen or at the top of that content.

Facebook iPhone mobile application and Facebook iPad mobile application through the page deletion and page off operations are similar. By following the instructions above, you can either delete the pages you want to delete or close them to the publication.

Delete Facebook Notification

How To Delete Facebook Notification?

In order to perform the Facebook notification deletion, you first need to log in to the Facebook account that you want to delete notifications with your username and password.

You should then open the world-icon notification menu in the upper-right corner of the screen from any page on Facebook.

After you open the world-symbol notification screen, all you have to do is click on the “view all notifications” option.

You can then click the side-by-side ellipsis symbol on the right side of the notifications on the page that appears, and then press “hide this notification”. If you do, this notification will be deleted from your notification menu. You will then be given two options, no matter which topic you choose to hide. By pressing the “Undo” option, you can make the notification you have hidden visible again, or you can turn off the reception of all notifications by using the other option.

For example, “turn off notifications about your friends ' birthdays.” if you select the option, you will never receive notification about your friend's birthday again. In the same way, you can do these things for the page, group, game, application and much more.

There is a second version of notification deletion. Let's talk about how to delete or hide this notification, which is a more accurate and cumulative way to delete the notification. You must first open the world-shaped notification menu. Then click on “settings” in the upper-right corner of this menu.

Or you can click the “view all” link in the upper-right corner of the notification settings menu after opening the world-shaped notification menu to get the same result via another way.

Again, in order to access notification settings in another way, you must click on the down-pointing arrow icon in the upper right corner of any Facebook page and click on “Settings”. Then, if you click on “notifications” in the left menu, you can still access the notification settings.

In all three ways, the place you will reach is the same as in the picture below.

When you access the “notifications” menu, you will have four different menus, such as “on Facebook”, “e-mail”, “mobile” and “text message”. Through this section, you can turn off your notification settings individually.

To do this, for example, if we go through the options listed above, you can prevent receiving notification by making notifications you do not want to receive from the “What You will receive notification about” section, “actions related to you, birthday, date today, friend movements , tags, pages you manage, group actions, application requests and actions, live videos” options, “From” To “off”.

For example, according to the settings in the picture above, the person receives notification about birthdays. They are closed to statements about what happened in history today. Someone will receive notification when they broadcast live.

How To Delete Photos On Facebook?

The first thing you need to do to delete a photo on Facebook is to log in to the Facebook account you want to delete the Photo with your username and password. Then you will need to open the photo you want to delete.

what you will do with it is to select “Options” in the menu bar under the photo and then press “Delete this photo”. “Deleting this photo will delete this post as well. a warning will come. There is no way to retrieve a photo that you deleted on Facebook.

Although there are various applications on the computer for this process, programs of the same nature and type are not produced for Facebook site or mobile applications. For this reason, we recommend that you consider your photo before you delete it on Facebook.

If you have the intention of putting the picture back, it would be wise to save it to your computer or other smart devices. If you are sure about deleting the photo you want to delete, you can delete it by clicking the “Delete” button.

If you want to delete any photo from your mobile browser, the first thing you need to do is to log in to your Facebook account, of course. You must open the photo you want to delete along with it. Then click on “Edit photo” under the photo and then select “Delete”from other options and then click on “Delete” in the warning box that will appear.

To delete any photo via Facebook Android mobile app, you must select the photo you want to delete after you log in via Facebook mobile app.

Then touch the MENU button of your phone. If you don't have any menu buttons on your phone, you should tap the three-point icon at the bottom. Finally, if you do not hesitate to delete the photo after clicking on the “Delete photo” button in the notification box, you can delete the photo and remove it on Facebook.

Deleting a photo via the Facebook iPhone mobile app differs slightly from the mobile app offered by Facebook for Android.

This time, after you open the photo you want to delete, you will need to hold your finger down until a menu option appears. You can select the “Delete photo” option from the menu that comes with it, and you can delete it from Facebook by confirming the warning window that comes with it if you are sure.

If you want to delete a photo from the Facebook iPad mobile app, you can delete it in the same way by following the steps of deleting the photo from the Facebook iPhone mobile app.

How To Delete A Facebook Album?

If you want to delete an album that you own on Facebook, you must remember that the photos in the album will also be deleted along with the album and the album you deleted will be deleted in a way that is irreversible in the photos in the album.

You should also remember that albums, such as profile pictures, cannot be deleted. However, if you want to delete the photos in the profile pictures album one by one, you can do so through the description of the photo deletion above.

To perform Facebook album deletion, you must first go to your profile and then click on “photos”. In the next stage, click “albums” to select the album you want to delete from the album types that are opened.

After clicking on the album you want to delete, you can click on the wheel icon in the upper-right corner of the screen and click on the “Delete album” option, and then Are you sure you want to delete the album “name of your album” that will be released? The photos in this album will also be deleted."you can delete this album from your account by confirming the warning.

To delete a Facebook album in your account through your mobile browser, all you have to do is select the album you want to delete after going to your albums and click the down arrow icon and click on “edit”. With this option, you can delete your album from your mobile browser by tapping “delete album” and confirming it from the warning menu.

If you want to delete an album via Facebook Android mobile app, you must open it by touching the album you want to delete after going to your albums. Then you should touch the icon in the bottom of the triangle and select “Delete”from the options. If you approve the warning window, you will delete this album.

To delete an album from the Facebook iPhone mobile app, you must touch the album you want to delete and press “Edit”. Then you can say “delete album” and confirm the warning window that pops up and delete your album.

If you want to delete an album from the Facebook iPad mobile app, you must go to your albums and tap “Edit” on the top right. Then, tap and confirm the warning window, which is the last step to perform album deletion.

How To Broadcast Live On Facebook

First of all, the live broadcast feature introduced by YouTube is now available to users by Facebook. Today, there are many social networking networks, as far as technology is concerned. People want to show other people what they do for a reason and be approved through what they share.

For this reason, they want to share the things they write or read, the photos they take, the various images they record. Sometimes they share themselves with friends or followers by taking a picture of what they do and sometimes what they do.

The next phase of sharing, the live broadcast feature lets you instantly connect with your followers, fans or just your friends. Thanks to this opportunity, you can make instant sharing with serial images and share your broadcast's video for those who missed the broadcast after your live broadcast with people who love and follow you again.

Facebook social sharing giant has brought this feature to the smartphone or other smart devices installed on the Android operating system, along with the smartphone or other smart devices installed on the iOS operating system.

If you have Android, iPad, and iPhone smart devices, you can use Facebook live and instantly connect with friends, followers, fans and many others.

With this narration, we will tell you what you need to know about the live broadcast and talk about the tricks of the live broadcast.

Although Facebook live is a newly emerging feature, it has yet to take its first steps, it will strengthen itself over time and add new features to enable Facebook users to offer a more beautiful live broadcast. For now, everything you need to know about Facebook live broadcast is included in the pictured below.

What You Need To Know About Facebook Live Broadcast

Let's talk about what people who want to broadcast live on Facebook should do. The first thing you need to do is open Facebook on your phone or smartphone with the iOS operating system installed, or your phone or smartphone with the Android operating system installed, and then enter your user name or e-mail address and access your account. Then all you have to do is go to your profile page.

If you go to your profile page, you need to tap the status update bar. After you tap the status update bar, you will see a variety of options, as you can see in the picture below, and among these options you will see the live broadcast feature.

If you click “Go to live broadcast” you will have the opportunity to write a comment for your live broadcast from the “write a comment for Live Video...” Section. In addition, just below your profile name and last name, there are features called “open to all, friends and I only”.

If you click on “more” then you can choose who you want to share your live broadcast with by setting options such as the university you're reading, the province or district you're staying in. You can also prevent certain people from watching your live broadcast from your friends circle if you want. You can also navigate between the front camera and the rear camera if you want, thanks to the symbol in the upper right corner of the screen.

How To Change Your Facebook Username

To change your user name on a page on Facebook, the first requirement is to be an administrator. If you want to change the user name of a page that you are an administrator of, you must click on the “about” link on the left side of your page and then select “page information”.

You must edit this section by clicking on the section that says “user name”. After entering a new user name, you can click on the “Create user name” option followed by the green notification that your user name will be available. This allows you to change your Facebook username on the page.

You must be an administrator to change the user name of your Facebook page on the mobile site. To do this, you must first Tap on “Edit Page” next to the symbol after you have logged in to your page.

Then you need to click “ Change page @user”. You must choose a page user name that is in accordance with the user name rules written in the above statement and is not used by others. If you have selected an available user name, you can click on “create user name”.

After going to your page to change the Facebook username of your Facebook page using the Facebook Android mobile app, you should press “about” and touch “+ page @change username”. You can then enter a new user name and press “create user name” according to the user name's eligibility.

You can change your user name through these applications because changing your user name through Facebook iPad mobile app and Facebook iPhone mobile app are also taking the same steps and same steps as the Facebook Android mobile app.

How To Change Your Facebook Username

The first thing you need to do in order to change your Facebook username is to go to the Facebook site and enter your username and password in order to login to the site.

Then you have to tap the down arrow at the top right and select “Settings” from the options. You can then click on “user name” in the “general” option or click on “Edit” directly opposite this option.

You must enter a user name in the box opposite the user name section. However, you cannot use a user name that is being used by someone else.

This applies to both your page and profile. User names can consist of all letters from A to Z and all numbers from 0 to 9 or a period sign. Because the dots and capitals will not be counted as part of your user name, the user name that is not the dot in the user name will be the same as the user name.

To explain this with an example, account, account, account, account, account, account.delete, account.DELETE, ACCOUNT.deleting and similar user names will all be counted as a single user name, so you can't change the user name you get by using capital letters or periods.

Another thing to note when creating user names is that user names can be at least five characters long. In addition, user names cannot consist of public expressions or extensions. For example, ” .Com ” or".expressions like ” net " are not included in the user name.

Your user name must be in compliance with Facebook's rights and responsibilities statements.

Checking Your Facebook Page's Blue Card Availability

What you can do to validate your page through a mobile browser is to touch the icon next to each other, which is a three-point icon after you go to your page.

You can then say “edit settings” and select “General” to access the “validate your page” feature. To validate your page, you must first “start using” and then enter your business phone number, Country, and language information. If you press the “call me now” button,

Facebook will call you to transfer a four-digit verification code to you. After entering this verification code, you can Press “Continue” button.

You can follow the description above for Facebook account verification with the pages.

The first thing you need to do to verify your Facebook account via the Android mobile app is to touch the icon that stands side by side after you go to your page. Then you should tap “Edit Settings”. Your next action should be “General”.

Then you can start page verification by tapping “validate page”. If you say “start using” in this section, enter your business's phone number, Country and language and then tap “Call me now” ,

It can be searched by Facebook, and with this search you can get your verification code and finally end your verification process by tapping “continue”.

If your account meets the required criteria, you can turn it into a blue or grey certified account with a blue or grey symbol by following the same procedures as above through the Facebook iPhone mobile app and the Facebook iPad mobile app.

How To Verify Facebook Account

How Is Facebook Account Verification Done?

Facebook account verification is actually much easier than expected. Let's talk about verification with a little blue and grey.

If you are a local business, company, or organization on the Facebook site, you are eligible to receive the gray validation icon. If you are the administrator of any page with a profile picture and cover photo and your page is suitable for these features, you will also be able to perform this option through the Settings section on your page.

To validate your page, you must use a document, such as your business's phone bill, or your business's official registered phone number. You do not have to worry about this because this information will only be used for page verification purposes.

Facebook account verification the first thing you need to do is log in to facebook with your username and password.

Then click on “settings” at the top right of your page. You can then click “page validation” on the “General” section. If you click on “validate this page” and then click on “Start”, you will see a variety of form elements. After entering your business official registered phone number, Country and official language of your country, press the “call me now” button.

 You will be called by Facebook on this number. When Facebook calls you, you will be given a four-digit verification code. After entering the four-digit verification code, you can click on “continue”.

Your page, you can choose to verify with a document that belongs to your business. After you follow the steps above, you can click the “validate this page with documents” option in the lower-left corner of the screen that appears and then upload an image of an official document where your business's name and address are combined.

After receiving your verification code or business document, you will receive a notification or e-mail in connection with your facebook account verification status within a few days, if you review your information and verify whether it matches public records. We also want to remind you that you do not have to verify your page.

If your page represents a celebrity, well-known person, a media or funworm, or a sports team, you have the opportunity to buy a blue validation card.

Click on the link below to find out if your page is eligible for a blue authentication card. You can find out if you are eligible to receive a blue validation card by filling out the form on this connection. However, in order to access this connection, you must enter Faceobok through a country other than

How Do I Log In To Facebook?

You must first have an account to log in to facebook. Login to facebook is a process that follows the steps of opening an account. If you have an account for Facebook login steps, you can go to the Facebook site and enter your password with your email or phone number and press “login”.

But if you don't have a Facebook account, the first thing you need to do is log in to Facebook. The first thing you encounter after entering the Facebook site is the “open account” form at the bottom of the site with the login boxes. This form is located at the bottom of the Facebook login button below.

Opening an account on Facebook is a free process and will always be free. You can log in to Facebook after opening a Facebook account. In order to open an account on Facebook, you must first enter a name and surname.

It is important that you use your real name and last name to find you and add you immediately to those you know among other Facebook users. A fake name you will use may cause a lot of trouble for these people to find you. Of course, if you synchronize your Facebook account with your mobile phone number or e-mail address, you can easily access those people and add them with a single click thanks to the “friends” service provided by Facebook.

If we continue, Facebook does not have to reflect the truth. Opening a fake account is common on Facebook. You can also take the name of your favorite movie or series of characters and share funny pages and groups on Facebook. What you do on Facebook is something that interests you completely. For this reason, the first and last name part is completely left to your preference.

You need to enter your mobile phone number or e-mail address in the second step. Here's an e-mail address that you already have access to. Because the e-mail address will be selected through the verification process will be done. If you specify an email address that you cannot login to, you will not be able to verify your account by e-mail sent to this e-mail address and therefore you will not be able to open an account on Facebook.

The same goes for the cell phone number. If you enter a mobile phone number, account verification will be done via this phone number. Once you have entered the e-mail address or cell phone number you have decided to enter again in the box below.

Then you have to set a password for yourself. Facebook passwords consist of at least six characters, including letters, numbers, and “! it can consist of punctuation such as&&. We recommend that you Be careful when setting up your Facebook password and select a password that is unique to your Facebook social networking site, which you have not previously used on any other site. Such actions will increase the security of your password.

When you set yourself a password on the Facebook site, your birthday date, your name, your last name, your team, your pet name, etc. we recommend that you do not select passwords that are easily guessed by others. Because such purchases of passwords will cause your account to be deciphered and stolen and controlled by others. If you encounter the “use password for this” option, you will encounter a user name belonging to another account in your browser.

If you click on this user name, you will receive the password used by this user name. This doesn't know the password, and the user's name if you do not know who this is, you should not use this feature.

After you have set a secure password for yourself, you must enter your birthday in the form of days, months and years. The reason you enter a birthday date is because it is important for you to have a Facebook experience for your age. While your birthday may be visible to others at first, after you open an account on Facebook, you can go to your profile and change the privacy of your birthday date from about.

Then you need to set a gender for your Facebook login. You have to choose one of two options called men and women.

If you encounter a problem while opening an account, it is caused by the phone number or e-mail address that was registered by someone else for an account on Facebook. You must select an e-mail address or telephone number that is not used by someone else in order to login to facebook and open an account on the Facebook site.

Connecting Your Twitter Account To Facebook

If anyone who wants to connect Twitter Faceobok does not have any knowledge of what to do and what to do, then all they have to do is read the article we have discussed below and follow the steps we have taken one by one to fulfill their requests.

You can do this for both the profile you have used and for a fan page that you are the administrator or founder of.

How Do I Connect Twitter To Facebook?

There is a way for people who want to link Twitter to Facebook. There are so many people who connect Twitter and Facebook accounts to each other and want to be able to share their Tweets on Twitter through the Facebook site and send these tweets and retweets through the Facebook wall.

Instead of writing the same thing twice over two different platforms, people who share what they want to share through one social media can fulfill their requests by linking Twitter to Facebook.

To link Twitter to facebook, first of all you need to do is log in with your username and password to the account you want to link Twitter to facebook. After clicking on the account icon on the top right of the home page via the Twitter account you are logged in with, you should choose the “Settings” section from the options.

After entering the Settings section, All You have to do is log in to the “Applications” tab. You need to click “Connect to Facebook” here. If you have not logged into Facebook yet, you must enter your Faceobok login information, i.e. your username, mobile phone number or email address for your Facebook account and click on the “Login” button and login to facebook.

With Twitter, a window will open with the various permissions required by your Facebook account. Press “OK” to skip this section and connect Twitter to Facebook. After this phase, you are expected to set a privacy setting for who will see the tweets and retweets you have posted on Twitter that will be shared on your Facebook wall.

You can edit this section so that your friends will see it as the default setting, but you can edit it so that everyone can see it, whether it is your friend or not, from you, who is a person with the “I only” option. Once you have finished this process, you can press “OK” and connect Twitter to Facebook.

Now the tweet you've shared on Twitter and the retweets you've made will be shared through your Facebook wall. However, we also want to point out that Facebook shares will not be shared on Twitter. In addition, the responses to the shares made through your Twitter account on your Facebook wall will only be valid for the Facebook site.

In addition, if the Account you want to link Twitter to Facebook is a Facebook page, let's take a look at what you can do for it. If you own a Facebook fan page or are an administrator of a page, you can use your Facebook fan page to link Twitter to Facebook. To perform these operations, first follow the steps above to connect Twitter to Faceobok.

If you have not done so yet, go to “application settings”and grant “manage pages” permission on the profile you want to link Twitter to Facebook. Then, after selecting the page you want to link to in your “application settings”, confirm the permission to share tweets and retweets shared via Twitter on your Facebook Page. This way, you'll be at the end of your steps to linking Twitter to Facebook.

Also, if you want to check who will see your tweets, retweets and username, you can click “Edit” to see who will see the user information we have just counted, and then click "Edit" to edit the user information you have already counted, and perform the required actions as desired.

When Twitter and Facebook are connected, you can see that data such as birthday information, friendship information can be exchanged between two social networking networks, which will help you make friendships and followers recommendations on both Twitter and Facebook. We will use such data on both sites to improve the quality of the social networking service that will be offered to you.

Delete Facebook Search History

How To Delete Facebook Search History?

In order to delete your Facebook search history, you must first log in to your Facebook site or application. If you are not already logged in, you should login with your username and password.

In order to delete Facebook search history through the browser, after logging in to the site, you have to click the arrow at the far right of the home page and then click the “dump transactions” option on the options that appear in this section.

However, you should click on “more” at the bottom left of the page and under the options such as photos, likes and comments. So you will have more options. You need to click “Search” at the bottom of the list from the expanded options list.

To get to this section more quickly, you need to click on the Facebook search box and then click on the “Edit” option that appears in the upper right corner.

After that, you have a few options to delete Facebook search history.

First, you must decide whether to delete Facebook search history or delete all the records at once. If you want to delete individual records, simply click on the mark at the far right of the records and click on the “Delete” option that opens. This allows you to delete individual files from the registry.

This is a great way to get started. If you click “Delete search records” in the upper-right corner of the Search section, you will see “are you sure? a warning will come. In this section, you can see the search records only for you and use them to give users better results. If you delete Facebook search history, your search will slow down a bit. But if you want to delete it anyway, simply press “Delete call records”.

How To Delete Facebook Search History Through Mobile Browser?

Once you have logged into the Facebook site through the mobile browser, the first thing you need to do is to click on three horizontal lines in the bottom right corner of the screen. Then move your cursor down to “help and Settings” section. If you click on “transaction dump” in this section, you can delete Facebook search history. to do this, you can use the “filter” option at the top and move your cursor downwards to delete the records you want to delete by searching one by one through the “search” option. To do this, simply tap on the “X” sign opposite the call log. “Are you sure? simply press the ” Delete “button to respond to the alert.

To delete all Arma records, you must click on “delete call records” in the top section. So you will see a small window under the “Delete search records” section. “Are you sure? a warning called " again contains a similar warning. By clicking on the “Confirm” button, you can delete Facebook search history via your mobile browser.