If you say you forgot my Twitter password and you don't know what to do, we'd like to say you're in the right place. Twitter says I forgot my password, can't remember the number of people who lost or Forgot Password of Twitter users who also noting that it's pretty much let them take the first steps which will lead to this narration. In order to get your Twitter password back, you must first enter the application login screen on the Twitter site or on the mobile apps available on the markets on Twitter's Android and iOS operating system installed devices.
Then you have to click on the “Log In” button in the top right corner of the Twitter site and on the Twitter mobile application screens. Just below this screen, where you can log in by entering your phone, e-mail or your username and password, “forgot your password? a link is placed in the form of”. You can also access this link from Twitter mobile applications at Twitter Internet address as those who say I forgot my Twitter password.
After clicking on this link, you will see a Twitter account Finder screen, as you can see in the picture below.
In order to find your Twitter account on this screen, you need to enter the email address, user name or telephone number associated with your Twitter account. Then you can press “search.” If you have entered the information correctly, you can access your own account on the next screen.
You can also create a password reset disk by using the password recovery utility. First, let's see how you can retrieve your password using your e-mail address. If you have seen the email address associated with your Twitter account on the screen, you can press “continue”.
Then an e-mail will be sent to this e-mail address. Because Twitter password reset requests are valid for a certain period of time, if you cannot continue password reset processes when you click on the link, you can repeat the same process and request that the password reset e-mail be sent again.
After you open this e-mail sent to your mail address, you will encounter a “password reset request”. At this point, you can continue password renewing by clicking or tapping the “reset password” link. So, as someone who says that I forgot my Twitter password, you can set a new and secure password to yourself through the page, and then you can go back and log in to your account after re-entering it.
Another way of renewing a password that can be applied to those who have forgotten my Twitter password is through the mobile phone that is registered to the account. Twitter will send you a text message within 15 minutes if you are trading with a telephone number.
In this text there is a code consisting of six digits. You can continue typing this code into the text box on the web page, and you can continue typing this code again after you have set yourself a secure password that cannot be easily guessed and you can continue enjoying your Twitter account.
If you are logged in to your Twitter account and want to change your password, but you forgot my Twitter password because you can not change your password, all you have to do is Enter the “password” section in the Account Settings section and the “password " in this section forgotten? click the ” section " button. After this stage, the procedures you will encounter are similar to the ones above.
If you do not have access to the e-mail or cell phone number, “I do not have access to any of these. if you click”", you will receive a page from the Twitter Help Center. You must click “Help” on this page from the Twitter site or through Twitter mobile applications. You can perform troubleshooting through this option.
"I have no access to any of these. after clicking on the link, you will receive a page about Twitter login issues. This section also concerns people who say I forgot my Twitter password.
If you have not managed to retrieve your Twitter password as a result of the above procedures, please click this link to access the Twitter login problems section. You can retrieve your Twitter password by following the steps here.
If you are having trouble receiving a text message or receiving an e-mail message, you can continue to retrieve your password by clicking the “I did not receive the message” link and then repeating the same process.
It may take a few minutes to get the SMS code, or it may take fifteen minutes. But if you want to make sure that you receive SMS notification, you should send it with your short code after you have written your help. If you do not receive any response, you can reach Twitter's SMS troubleshooting page.