Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Thursday, August 16, 2018

How To Delete A Twitter Account

Deleting Twitter Account (Shutdown)

In this article, I'll explain how to delete a Twitter account in 4 steps. Founded in 2006, Twitter ranks as Turkey's second most user-friendly social network.

Twitter Account Deletion In Brief
deleting a Witter account

Log in to your account.
Click on the Twitter profile photo in the upper-right corner and click on “Settings”.
From the drop-down menu on the left, click “Account”. Click the “Disable My Account” link at the bottom of the Account page.
click the “disable the person named@username” button.
You can find the process described above briefly in the form of a picture below.

1 - Log In To Your Account

Log in to your Twitter user account.

2 - Click Settings

Once you have logged in to your profile, click on your profile image at the top right. After your profile picture opens, click “Settings”.

3 - Open The "Account" Tab

Click on the” Settings “tab and click on” account". Click the “Disable My Account” link at the bottom of the account option.

4 - Disable Your Account

From the pop-up page, click “Disable user name”.

Note: You should Not be re-logged into your account for 30 days after you delete your Twitter account. If you are not logged in for 30 days, your Twitter account will be permanently deleted. If you enter your account again within 30 days, your account will be reactivated.

If you do not want to do the above steps individually, click the link below to open the account deactivate page directly.

Twitter account deletion link:

Twitter does not allow mobile users to access the account deletion page. To access this page from your mobile devices, click the link above and click “Request desktop version” from the Options menu of the browser on your smart phones.


If you wait 30 days after the deletion of Twitter, you will not be able to access your account again. So you can make a backup of your twitches.

You can request your Twitter account history by clicking the “request archive” button under the “account” menu in the “settings” option for the Twitter backup process. When your archive is ready, a link will be sent to your e-mail address. You can back up your twitches by clicking on this link.

How Do I Change My Twitter Username?

When registering on Twitter, a random username is assigned and registered. Then, in recent times, the idea of the user names are changing and these reasons want to change the user names. User names are determined according to the ideas that change over time and the symbolic meanings that are intended to be reflected. Although changing the user name is very easy and can be done in a short time, there are some things to be aware of.

In order to change your Twitter username, you must enter a user name that has not been previously used. If you choose a user name that has been previously used or is currently in use, Twitter will warn you that the user name is not appropriate. Therefore, you can try a different user name if you want, or you can specify your user name with an underscore, a variety of numbers, or extra letters.

The twitter username cannot be more than 15 characters. only letters can be created with numbers and underscores. You cannot create a user name with different characters or spaces. It takes 45 days to get a user name that has been used before.

If you want to change your Twitter username, another thing to note is that your username will be released after you change it. From the moment you change your Twitter user name, your old Twitter user name will be released and available to others.

For this reason, you should not be surprised and angry if you get the warning “the username is not appropriate” when you go back to get your username. Likewise, if you find that a user name you want to receive is someone else and you keep track of that user's account periodically, you can start using that user name with that account changing the user name. To do this, all you have to do is follow these steps one by one.

To change your Twitter username, you need to log in to your Twitter account. Then click the “profiles and Settings” section in the upper right corner and select “Settings”from the menu that appears.

Then you can change your name from the “user name” section at the top of the “Settings” menu.

If you leave the user name blank or make one of the things mentioned above incomplete or incorrect, the warning will be “the user name is not available”.

If you have entered a user name that is correct and available, the user name will appear in the “appropriate” section.

You can then complete your transaction by clicking the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

How Do I Change My Twitter Username From Mobile?

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to change your Twitter username through the mobile Twitter app. Currently, Twitter mobile app does not have the ability to change user name. But through browsers on your mobile devices you can change your Twitter username by following the same procedures described above.

What do you need to know about Twitter TT list?

You can change your Twitter TT list via the menu titled “agenda”. To do this, you must click on the “change” option next to “agenda”. Remember, this agenda is a personal agenda for you. You must press “Change” to change this agenda. If you want to continue to use this personalized agenda for you, simply press “continue with personalized agenda”. After pressing the “Change” button

You can select one of the cities or countries under “close locations”, or you can choose from the “close locations” section of the “choose location” link to the right of “close locations” and choose one of the options that appear across the “region / country” and “city” sections in the “choose location for agenda headings” section if you wish. After all, if you decide to use the personalized agenda on your behalf again, you can press the “Change” button next to the “agenda” section and press the “Get personalized Agenda” button in the small window that appears.

You can also choose “Earth”from the options to determine the Twitter world agenda. So you can learn what people on Earth are talking about in general, and learn what things are most tweeted in the world.

Below some agendas you can see how much tweets are tweeted about the agenda, or who's tweeted about the agenda from the people you're following. In addition, if a moment is determined to be relevant to the agenda, the title of the moment may also be used as an agenda description.

# let's talk about a few things about mark. You may have seen the # sign on the left of some agenda topics. This means tag, and it is added to the top of Tweets to mark a topic topic. With this tag, users can meet on a shared chat channel about specific topics, or they can find out what other users are saying on this topic by clicking on the same word phrase or by searching for the whole phrase in the Search section. more than that, Twitter advanced search can do, and you want to write something, want to write something, or someone else write something about specific topics you want to see something from the Search section can do.

To participate in an agenda, simply select the agenda you want to participate in from the “agenda” section that appears as your TT list. Because there are too many tweets posted by many people about these specific agenda issues, tweets that you have posted in certain tweets may not always appear. However, your tweets are always seen by your followers, and if your tweets get a high number of hits and RT, your tweets can still be seen by others.

There are some rules on the agenda. Since Twitter is likely to misuse its agenda, these rules are in place in the “twitter rules”. Various actions may cause users to suspend their account or to completely close their account or filter your account from searches.

How Do I Recover My Twitter Password?

If you say you forgot my Twitter password and you don't know what to do, we'd like to say you're in the right place. Twitter says I forgot my password, can't remember the number of people who lost or Forgot Password of Twitter users who also noting that it's pretty much let them take the first steps which will lead to this narration. In order to get your Twitter password back, you must first enter the application login screen on the Twitter site or on the mobile apps available on the markets on Twitter's Android and iOS operating system installed devices.

Then you have to click on the “Log In” button in the top right corner of the Twitter site and on the Twitter mobile application screens. Just below this screen, where you can log in by entering your phone, e-mail or your username and password, “forgot your password? a link is placed in the form of”. You can also access this link from Twitter mobile applications at Twitter Internet address as those who say I forgot my Twitter password.

After clicking on this link, you will see a Twitter account Finder screen, as you can see in the picture below.

In order to find your Twitter account on this screen, you need to enter the email address, user name or telephone number associated with your Twitter account. Then you can press “search.” If you have entered the information correctly, you can access your own account on the next screen.

You can also create a password reset disk by using the password recovery utility. First, let's see how you can retrieve your password using your e-mail address. If you have seen the email address associated with your Twitter account on the screen, you can press “continue”.

Then an e-mail will be sent to this e-mail address. Because Twitter password reset requests are valid for a certain period of time, if you cannot continue password reset processes when you click on the link, you can repeat the same process and request that the password reset e-mail be sent again.

After you open this e-mail sent to your mail address, you will encounter a “password reset request”. At this point, you can continue password renewing by clicking or tapping the “reset password” link. So, as someone who says that I forgot my Twitter password, you can set a new and secure password to yourself through the page, and then you can go back and log in to your account after re-entering it.

Another way of renewing a password that can be applied to those who have forgotten my Twitter password is through the mobile phone that is registered to the account. Twitter will send you a text message within 15 minutes if you are trading with a telephone number.

In this text there is a code consisting of six digits. You can continue typing this code into the text box on the web page, and you can continue typing this code again after you have set yourself a secure password that cannot be easily guessed and you can continue enjoying your Twitter account.

If you are logged in to your Twitter account and want to change your password, but you forgot my Twitter password because you can not change your password, all you have to do is Enter the “password” section in the Account Settings section and the “password " in this section forgotten? click the ” section " button. After this stage, the procedures you will encounter are similar to the ones above.

If you do not have access to the e-mail or cell phone number, “I do not have access to any of these. if you click”", you will receive a page from the Twitter Help Center. You must click “Help” on this page from the Twitter site or through Twitter mobile applications. You can perform troubleshooting through this option.

"I have no access to any of these. after clicking on the link, you will receive a page about Twitter login issues. This section also concerns people who say I forgot my Twitter password.

If you have not managed to retrieve your Twitter password as a result of the above procedures, please click this link to access the Twitter login problems section. You can retrieve your Twitter password by following the steps here.

If you are having trouble receiving a text message or receiving an e-mail message, you can continue to retrieve your password by clicking the “I did not receive the message” link and then repeating the same process.

It may take a few minutes to get the SMS code, or it may take fifteen minutes. But if you want to make sure that you receive SMS notification, you should send it with your short code after you have written your help. If you do not receive any response, you can reach Twitter's SMS troubleshooting page.

How To Bulk Delete Direct Messages On Twitter


Click the envelope icon in the upper-right navigation bar.

You will see a pop-up window showing your message history directly. Click on the chat with the message you want to delete.

Find the message you want and hold it on your mouse. The trash icon appears. Click the icon.

Are you sure you want to delete this message under the DM inbox?"message is displayed. Click Delete message.

Please note: deleted direct messages no longer appear in both the sender and recipient's history.If you have non-visible DMS, contact the person you are texting to find out if they have deleted your lost DMS.

Well, let's say we have 500 messages, so we can sit down and erase them one by one? It's possible to erase one by one, but it's a waste of time. Instead, I have 2 methods that I use briefly I would like to talk about these methods.

1. Delete from mobile i.e. with Twitter application on the phone

I know most people know this method, but there's only one trick I'd like to talk about. If you do not activate the Sync portion of your phone (for Android phones), even if the messages appear to be deleted from the phone or deleted from the actual Twitter site messages can not be deleted. If you activate the Sync section, you will see that it deletes messages from both your phone and twitter site in bulk. This method is the most reliable method. 2. the method may be a bit risky.

2. delete messages from the site as bulk

This method may be risky for the intervention of third parties, but it is still one of the methods I used in my time. This method is ideal for those who use Twitter and cannot enter the mobile.

Let's continue the transactions in picture, respectively.

First of all, we're logging in. Clean my Twitter Inbox button on the site opened.

We want to delete our messages in the window with the Twitter account wants to log in. Sign In with Twitter button.

Twitter asks if we accept this application on the page. We Press the Allow application button.

After allowing the application, Twitter redirects it back to the site.

There are multiple deletion options available on the site.

all direct messages that we send and receive by clicking on this and call apply changes are deleted in bulk.

when we click on this, all the direct messages we send are deleted in bulk.

when we click on this, the direct messages we receive are deleted in bulk.

I know the method of deleting the bulk of direct messages, these two other method know friends would like to share the comments section. 2. I have chosen this site for example.


To do this, follow these steps. log on. Click Settings >> Applications. Here are the approvals that you allow. If there are applications that you do not know, I suggest that you remove their permissions. This is only a measure of security. Not every application is harmful. But it's happening here in harmful applications.

Batch DM erase code in Twitter

Clear All Messages

There is a different section in this code that you need to know. Let's say you have an important message and you want to skip it and delete all of the other messages. To skip the first message, you can change the number 0 in the section kac_mesaj_at = 0; where kac_mesaj_at is the first line of the code. For example, you can continue to skip the first conversation, 1 to skip the first two conversations, 2 to skip the first conversation.

When some messages delete the sending user account, the messages are not deleted. In this case, you can skip the message by increasing the number 1 As mentioned above.

DM Deletion Code

var kac_mesaj_atla = "0";
tum_dm_sil = setInterval(function(){
$(".DMInbox > li > .DMInboxItem")[kac_mesaj_atla].click();
if($("#confirm_dialog").css("display") === "block"){

To apply this code, activate the window with all conversations. So click on the messages link from the top left,

If your browser is Chrome, CTRL+SHIFT+j, Firefox, CTRL+SHIFT+K.

On the console tab in the new section that opens, paste the code that you copied into the section, and then click Enter.

All conversations will be deleted one by one, except for those you skipped. If you get Server error, refresh the page and repeat the operation

How To Delete Twitter Search History?

How To Delete Twitter Search History?

Previously, search records on Twitter could not be deleted in any way. This, of course, could lead to some problems. But today there are several ways to delete the search history. Now let's talk about Twitter history delete search history.

There is no way to delete your Twitter search history from your computer. However, and only if you delete your browser history can be a solution. For this, you can look at other topics on our site. If you have come to this conclusion, we would also like to say that there is nothing to do with this.

If you go to the search history process for deleting Twitter history on mobile, you have a few ways to do this. The first thing you can do is to click on the “magnifying glass” icon in the upper right corner after logging into your account.

Then, you must tap “Search Twitter”. When you touch this part, you will see a breakdown of your recent searches. To delete recent calls, you can press the “X” sign in front of these calls. When you press X, a warning window will appear. Do you want to delete the “name of the last call” search with “Clear recent calls “in this window?” the question will come up. If you are determined to delete, you can press the “Yes” button and if you are not determined to delete, you can press the “no” button. This allows you to end Twitter history deletion through search history.

There is a way to save your searches on Twitter. After you make a call to save your calls, if you perform this process through your computer, you should open the “More options” menu located at the top right of the search done screen. You can then press “Save this call” as shown in the photo below.

If you are using a smart phone or other smart device variant not on the computer, you can press the “Save” button on the bottom right corner after searching.

If you have saved the calls using these options before, you can delete the saved call by following the steps of the same process again by selecting “delete this call” from the same options. This allows you to delete your Twitter history through search Records.

Another and unmanaged way to delete your Twitter search history is to enter the Applications section on your smartphone. To delete Twitter history, you must first touch the wheel-shaped symbol in the upper-right corner of your screen and enter the Applications section in the Settings menu and then open the applications Manager.

Another way to enter the “Settings” section on your device is to touch the “Settings” icon after opening the applications on the Home screen. Either way, after you reach the apps Manager, you need to find Twitter from the apps on your device. Then, using the “delete data” and “Clear cache” options in this section, you delete not only your search history data, but also all the data and information that have been saved on Twitter. Please note that after this process you will be able to log out of your accounts or accounts.

How To Confirm A Twitter Account?

How To Confirm A Twitter Account?

People who perform Twitter account verification and get a blue badge can use additional settings provided by Twitter. For example, the “approved” filter is added to this option in addition to the All and mentioned section on the notifications tab.

In addition, there is a setting in the Settings section on Twitter that allows the account to be separated from the Group messages directly through the Security and privacy section.

You must fill out a form to perform the Twitter account verification process.

You may continue to post the user name of the account that you want to perform account verification, and you must complete and submit an approved phone number, an approved email address, and your personal information, profile and title photo and birth date, followed by the website information, and the publicly marked markups of the section in the tweet privacy settings, and then submit

If the account you want to perform Twitter account verification is affiliated to an organization or company, the email address associated with that account must also be an email address affiliated to that organization or company. The birthday option applies to accounts that do not belong to companies, brands or organizations. In addition, birthday information will be shown to the target audience.  You also have a choice of who can see and who can not see your birthday and Eastern day.

You will also be asked for additional information during the form phase. At this stage, you will be asked to explain why your account should be approved, and to explain the domain of your account to which Twitter account verification is performed. We recommend selecting sites that will express the importance of the links you will share on the support of your request, along with the value of being a news item.

This does not necessarily mean it will always be accepted after submitting a Twitter account confirmation form. But you don't have to worry if your Twitter account confirmation request is rejected. Because you can make the same request again within thirty days. In addition, the response to you may be related to correcting some information. You do not have to wait for such arrangements to request them again.

I can not reach this form because of the reason you do not login to Twitter. Anyone who wishes to view this form will be required to log in to Twitter through our link or before. You can only access the Twitter account confirmation form in this way.

Otherwise, if you have a Periscope or vine account, your account will automatically be approved if you connect at least one of these two applications with Twitter. If you want to connect the vine app to Twitter, you must go to the profile page and open the settings there after logging in with your username and password in the vine mobile app.

If there is a Twitter link connected here, you can disconnect and reconnect to the confirmed account. If you want to connect to your Twitter account approved via Periscope, you should go to your profile page after logging in with your username and password in Periscope mobile and click on the “log out” button. Then select your confirmed Twitter account by clicking on the “sign in with Twitter” button

How To Get Twitter Translation Badge?

How To Get Twitter Translation Badge?

Let's see what people who want to get a Twitter translator badge can do about it. However, if you think that you can get a Twitter Translator badge using the word or sentence translation programs on the internet before logging into this topic, we would also like to point out that you have been wrong about it.

Although there have been people trying to get a Twitter Translator badge using these ways in the past, you will probably get a Twitter Translator Badge because you can't make a real contribution to Twitter if you don't have at least moderate language knowledge anymore.

After clicking on this link, you have to select which language you want to translate from the English language of Twitter on the next page. You can choose Turkish, or you can help Twitter translate from English into other languages, such as French, German, Thai, Dutch, Hebrew, Chinese, Urdu, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese and many more.

Although currently only one language is allowed to be translated, we can see that it is able to serve multiple languages at the same time. After selecting the language, you can select the “sign up” option and read the terms and conditions section with a long text that will be followed, and you can come to the end without reading it and confirm it. However, in order to do this, you must log in to Twitter through any account. Of course, in this case, you want to get a Twitter translator badge to log into the site through the Account will be the most logical.

Then we enter the translator interface. You can see a variety of topics under the topic translation projects topic in this interface. In this section, you can make translations or you can vote for translations.

In this section, you can translate sections that have not yet reached 100% of the translation process. After entering any section, you can see the “To-do” section, i.e. the To-Do list. Here you can make translation contributions, vote on the Done section, or see the approval or rejection of “live”, which means that you have translated or voted for something that has been translated.

In order to receive the Twitter translator badge, the “badge KP” section must be completed and the current status must be reached to 300. Once you reach this number, you can get the Twitter translator badge. But if you start to loosen up after receiving the Twitter translator badge and don't do any translation after a while, you will see that the Twitter translator badge you have received will go away.

Since getting a Twitter translator badge is not as easy as it sounds, we can't see a lot of people around us with a Twitter translator badge. Therefore, you should continue to make translation contributions for a long time.

You can also see how you can translate through this section. You can find tips on how to get a Twitter translator badge through a guide published by Twitter.

In addition, since there are levels of translations, you should not take steps to translate any type of translation that may exceed your translation level, which will ensure that your translations do not vote badly and will take you one step further in terms of getting a translator badge.

How To Unfollow Twitter?

How To Unfollow Twitter?

There are sections that we want to remind you before performing your Twitter unfollow trading. If the person you want to keep track of when you perform the Twitter unfollow process is closed to people other than the profile followers, you will not be able to see the tweets that that person has posted.

If you are a Twitter user who likes sharing, you should think twice. If you want to follow that person again, click on the “follow” button and the Twitter user you want to follow will go to the request to follow, and if that person accepts your request to follow, then you can see the person's tweets again. In addition, you will not be able to see the Tweets from your own Twitter account. This also applies to you.

If your Twitter Profile is closed to people other than your followers, you will be notified when someone wants to follow you. It is up to you to decide whether or not that person sees your posts.
In our post, we will talk about how you can perform the Twitter unflow process.

In order to perform the Twitter unfollow process, that is to follow up any account on Twitter, we need to follow up that account in advance, as shown in the button in the region where we have selected the Twitter account at random above.

If you see the phrase “follow” instead of “follow” in the relevant button of the Twitter account you want to perform the Twitter Unflowl process as shown in the above example, you are already not following that account or you have already removed it from the follow-up in a way that means that you have left the Twitter Unflowl. If the account you want to perform is being followed up as above, it is quite easy to click on the button once by clicking on it.

When you go over the button with the help of your mouse shown above, the expression on the button that says “followed” is replaced by “leave track”. When the text in the button changes to “leave track” (Twitter Unfollow), you must click the button.

When you perform the click operation, as shown above, the corresponding button will contain the phrase “follow”. When you see this statement, it means that you have successfully performed the Twitter unfollow process.

If you do not notice the changes, you can refresh the page. You can do this by clicking on the corresponding button on your browser or by clicking on the “F5” button on your keyboard while your browser is active.

After you perform the Twitter unfollow process, you will no longer see the tweets of the account you have followed. If you do not already have posts in your stream of that account, you will find that there is no time to refresh your Twitter homepage as mentioned above.

How To Use Twitter Hashtag

What Is Twitter Hashtag?

Thanks to Twitter hashtag, all tweets on Twitter are grouped in a common denominator and categorized into specific categories. This way, it is possible to obtain information about the subject that is wanted to be searched and read through the Search section of Twitter with the searches made in accordance with certain patterns. Twitter hashtag is an application that works quite well on many different issues.

Thanks to this service offered by Twitter, people who follow the same series can see what they think about what other people are watching using a single label. While playing weekly shows, Twitter Hashtag is now on its way to gathering its audience under a single roof.

How To Use Twitter Hashtag

Using Twitter hashtag is quite simple. That's why people who use Twitter have no problems with it. Hashtag is basically an English word that means tag. Using tags, you can narrow the searches to find the results you want to find quickly.

For example, if you want to learn about Twitter on Twitter, all you have to do is Type #Twitter. So you can instantly see what people are thinking about Twitter. In addition, with standard search and extended search capabilities offered by Twitter, you can search for time, people, photos, videos, News and tweets shared over periscope.

To use Twitter hashtag, you need to include the “#” sign at the beginning of the word you want to search for a topic you want to be familiar with. You will see a compilation of the most talked about topics according to the location information you have identified under the topic “agenda” in the middle left of the time-stream page of a person who is logged in to Twitter.

Usually topics under the topic of the agenda “#” is written with the mark. Because thanks to Twitter hashtag, people have become able to meet in common denominator and talk about the same subject. You can also see the most talked about issues by making adjustments to the country, city and even the region you live in.

One of the tricks of using Twitter hashtag is that if more than one word is used together with the tag, these words must be written in an adjacent way. For example, when we do a search on account deletion, we will need to do a search on account deletion, not on account deletion. The more common the calls we make, the more and more consistent the information will be possible.

How To Delete Twitter Followers

Twitter Tracker Deletion Process

Twitter Tracker deletion is not a process that can be done on a specific button. There is no process you can do on Twitter by the name of Twitter Tracker deletion. But this is just a problem with the name.

Because there are a few methods that you can do if you want to get rid of your followers. The first leg of Twitter Tracker deletion is to block people you don't want to follow or follow, see your tweets and see your share.

To block someone on Twitter, all you have to do is click on the wheel icon in the upper-right corner of the profile, and then click on the “block person” option from the drop-down list. After this process, you will see a small window under the “block” heading. In this notification window, you will be informed about what will happen if you block a person on Twitter.

A person who is blocked by Twitter will no longer follow you, so your request to delete the Twitter Tracker will be fulfilled. However, the person you are blocking will not be able to send you a message and will not receive notification of the actions taken by you. To end this process, all you have to do is Press the “block” option.

If you block a person through Twitter, if you are following them mutually, you will stop following them, and he will stop following you. This is an automated process. Although a notification of blocked people will not go away, there are methods you can use by guessing to determine whether you are blocked by a person. For example, when you enter this person's profile, you can easily understand that that person has blocked you.

However, you can see a tab called “blocked accounts” when you sign in to your Twitter account settings both through Twitter apps and through your browser. If you click on this tab, you will see people you have blocked up to this day. In this section, you can unblock the people you have blocked, or you can let them know.

You can also use “Advanced settings”to export contacts you have blocked as a list .you can load and import a file that contains information for accounts that are blocked as a CSV file. This allows you to delete the Twitter Tracker in a batch.

Connecting Your Twitter Account To Facebook

If anyone who wants to connect Twitter Faceobok does not have any knowledge of what to do and what to do, then all they have to do is read the article we have discussed below and follow the steps we have taken one by one to fulfill their requests.

You can do this for both the profile you have used and for a fan page that you are the administrator or founder of.

How Do I Connect Twitter To Facebook?

There is a way for people who want to link Twitter to Facebook. There are so many people who connect Twitter and Facebook accounts to each other and want to be able to share their Tweets on Twitter through the Facebook site and send these tweets and retweets through the Facebook wall.

Instead of writing the same thing twice over two different platforms, people who share what they want to share through one social media can fulfill their requests by linking Twitter to Facebook.

To link Twitter to facebook, first of all you need to do is log in with your username and password to the account you want to link Twitter to facebook. After clicking on the account icon on the top right of the home page via the Twitter account you are logged in with, you should choose the “Settings” section from the options.

After entering the Settings section, All You have to do is log in to the “Applications” tab. You need to click “Connect to Facebook” here. If you have not logged into Facebook yet, you must enter your Faceobok login information, i.e. your username, mobile phone number or email address for your Facebook account and click on the “Login” button and login to facebook.

With Twitter, a window will open with the various permissions required by your Facebook account. Press “OK” to skip this section and connect Twitter to Facebook. After this phase, you are expected to set a privacy setting for who will see the tweets and retweets you have posted on Twitter that will be shared on your Facebook wall.

You can edit this section so that your friends will see it as the default setting, but you can edit it so that everyone can see it, whether it is your friend or not, from you, who is a person with the “I only” option. Once you have finished this process, you can press “OK” and connect Twitter to Facebook.

Now the tweet you've shared on Twitter and the retweets you've made will be shared through your Facebook wall. However, we also want to point out that Facebook shares will not be shared on Twitter. In addition, the responses to the shares made through your Twitter account on your Facebook wall will only be valid for the Facebook site.

In addition, if the Account you want to link Twitter to Facebook is a Facebook page, let's take a look at what you can do for it. If you own a Facebook fan page or are an administrator of a page, you can use your Facebook fan page to link Twitter to Facebook. To perform these operations, first follow the steps above to connect Twitter to Faceobok.

If you have not done so yet, go to “application settings”and grant “manage pages” permission on the profile you want to link Twitter to Facebook. Then, after selecting the page you want to link to in your “application settings”, confirm the permission to share tweets and retweets shared via Twitter on your Facebook Page. This way, you'll be at the end of your steps to linking Twitter to Facebook.

Also, if you want to check who will see your tweets, retweets and username, you can click “Edit” to see who will see the user information we have just counted, and then click "Edit" to edit the user information you have already counted, and perform the required actions as desired.

When Twitter and Facebook are connected, you can see that data such as birthday information, friendship information can be exchanged between two social networking networks, which will help you make friendships and followers recommendations on both Twitter and Facebook. We will use such data on both sites to improve the quality of the social networking service that will be offered to you.

How To Make A Twitter Poll

Twitter is a site that is refreshing itself every day and aims to offer different things to its users. This way, it tries not to lose users and attract more users to the site. Another feature brought by Twitter officials is the “poll”.

Thanks to this new incoming application, any Twitter user can now do a poll on any topic he wants. Thanks to Twitter Polls, people can generate a survey about almost any topic and share the topics they want to consult with their followers.

How To Conduct A Survey On Twitter?

There are some things you need to know about doing a Twitter poll. First of all, let's take a look at how you can survey Twitter together to explain these processes in order.

“What's going on with mobile applications and desktop browsers?” after tapping on the post or pushing the button to throw a new tweet, it should click on the poll next to photo and GIF options. This option will be used in the poll against the people who click on the options will come.

The options that will be used on the poll will not affect the number of tweet characters that will be discarded. So the content of the tweet will be 140 characters as usual. However, it is possible to use four different options for your survey in total. The number of characters you can use for each survey option is set to 25.

When you do a Twitter poll, you will see two options first. You can add more options by clicking “Add option” at the bottom of these options. But you can leave these options blank. You must type a letter in at least two options in order to complete the Twitter poll.

It is possible to specify at least five minutes and at most 7 days as a survey period. In this time interval, you can specify the time in the form of days, hours and minutes with the time options. However, you need to enter at least one letter for the tweet you are going to take. It is not possible to add photos to a poll you create on Twitter.

Once you've created a poll the way you want it, all you have to do is click on “tweet”. All one has to do is to tap the “Remove poll” option in the upper right corner of the poll.

If you say “tweet” then your poll will be voted in the time you have determined along with the votes that will be cast in the poll you have created. Once your survey is complete, you will receive a notification to see the results of your survey.

In addition, if you vote for a poll created by someone else, you will receive a notification after the poll is finalized. If you have made several adjustments to the poll notifications, you may be subject to a variety of adjustments. Votes cast on Twitter are made in a completely Secret manner.

That is, it is impossible for anyone to see which poll you voted for. In addition, the number of votes you can vote for each poll is limited to one. The poll winner option will be shown in dark blue. To check your Twitter poll notifications, you can edit the poll settings you want in the “e-mail notifications”, “notifications” and “Internet notifications” options in the Account Settings section.

You can also edit these settings by entering the settings through the mobile app to access the mobile notification settings.