We will try to explain the simplest steps you can take to delete the Odnoklassniki account with pictures. There is an Odnoklassniki account freeze and Odnoklassniki account erase link on the Odnoklassniki social site that can easily delete your account and take you directly to the account deletion page.
Therefore, Odnoklassniki account freezing and Odnoklassniki account deletion process to explain the pictures one by one. After logging in to your Odnoklassniki account, you should check the options at the bottom of the page.
When you log in to your account, we click on the fourth option from bottom, which is marked with a red box in the right column, which appears when you scroll down to the bottom of the page with a wheel.
It is a long text license agreement that comes up after you press the button. When you are at the bottom of the page, you need to press the right button, which means you want to delete your account.
When you click on this button, the thumbnail will be displayed in your inbox. odnoklassniki.ru he asks why you deleted your account. If you don't have a Cyrillic alphabet, you don't have to mark a random one.
After making the necessary marks about why you have deleted your account, you must re-type the password of your account in the blank Box marked with red below. If you typed your password correctly, you will be able to cancel your Odnoklassniki Membership by clicking on the button we received in the red box below.
If you can successfully perform your Odnoklassniki account freeze and Odnoklassniiki account deletion. The home page before you log in to the Odnoklassniki account will appear.
How To Delete The Odnoklassniki Account And Close The Account