For different reasons, users of zooks may want to delete their accounts. For this reason, we will tell you about deleting the Zooks account in picture. We need to start by clicking on the link that will make our work easier before we delete the zooks Membership: I'm sorry.
When you click on this link, you will receive a screenshot that says "If you have not logged into our zooks account before" in the browser we use.:
If you encounter the above page, you should log in to your account by typing your email and password with Facebook or the standard method. After logging in, you will receive a screen like the following::
You may not see the buttons that appear below the first time this page is opened. This is why you need to scroll down from the bar on the right or with the help of your mouse wheel. Then you have to press the “Fill” button inside the place we have marked with red to perform the deletion of the Zooks account. On the screen continuing after pressing the button:
there are four options for asking why you have removed your zooks account. I don't want to date right now. you can click on the option that best suits you. The first time you open the page, you will find that the “Continue” button is dimmed and clickable. When you mark one of the reasons for leaving, the button will be activated.
If you have performed your transaction correctly by clicking on the “Continue” button, you should see the above page. You have successfully completed your zooks account deletion. Below we re-share the zooks account deletion link.
How To Delete The Zooks Account,Close The Account