Monday, August 20, 2018

How To Delete A Google Plus Account,Close An Account

What You Need To Watch Before You Delete Your Google Plus Account

When you perform Google Plus account deletion, we would like to remind you that you will lose all your pictures, activities and most importantly your links in your account. We recommend that you back up pictures and other important information in your account before you perform Google Plus account deletion.

At the same time, you might want to get different contact addresses in order to keep your Google Plus account up to date with the important contacts you are connected to. When you perform Google Plus account deletion, let us remind you that this operation cannot be undone and that your data is irreversibly deleted.

Google Plus Account Deletion

You can see the required warnings about Google Plus account deletion above. If you do not want to lose your important data, we recommend that you read it. We will show you how to delete your Google Plus account with the Google Plus account deletion link, which is a simple way to delete your Google Plus account. To do this, you must first click the Google Plus account deletion link. Google Plus account deletion link can be reached at the end of our article.

If you have not logged in to your Google Plus account that you want to delete, you will see the following page. If you have already logged in, you can go to the third screen.

Click on the “Next” button by typing the e-mail address you need to do in the relevant space on this screen.

Then enter your password by clicking on the “log in” button to delete the Google Plus account you want to log in.

If you are already logged in or you perform a later logon process, this will be the screen you will see. When you scroll down a little, you will see the buttons and the boxes that you need to confirm. These buttons and checkboxes marked with red are for confirming that you want to perform Google Plus account deletion. The “Delete” button, which appears dimmed before checking the check boxes, will be clicked after making the necessary confirmations. Once your account has been deleted, you will need to check the first check box if you want to remove your tracking from the people you follow. This process is left to your initiative.

However, in order to perform Google Plus account deletion, the box you absolutely need to confirm is the second box. By checking this box, you confirm that you want to delete it. Then click on the “Delete” button that becomes clickable.

If you see this screen after pressing the “Delete” button, you have successfully completed your Google Plus account deletion. What you need to do here is check the boxes for why you deleted your Google Plus account and click the “Submit” button. Marking the reason for your separation is of great importance in terms of user satisfaction. As with many major companies, services or applications, Google receives feedback from their users. In this way, it increases customer satisfaction and continues to provide a quality service at the same time.

As for what you need to do to delete multiple Google+ profiles;

After opening Google Plus on your computer, click Settings from the pop-up menu in the upper-left corner and then click “Disable Google+“and then click” Delete your Google profile from here". Check the box next to the “required” section at the bottom of the page, then click the “remove selected services” button. That's it. After clicking on “delete your Google+ profile” in the “Account”section after coming to the Settings section of your mobile browser, repeat the same process and press remove selected services.

Deleting A Google Plus Account From A Mobile Device

You can also perform your Google Plus account using your mobile device's browser by following the steps described above. You can start Google Plus account deletion on your mobile device by clicking on the link we shared below.

If what you need to do is through your Android application, open the Google+ application by clicking on the Google+ icon. Open “settings”by tapping the menu icon, which is located in the three-point shape. In the name of the account you want to delete, click Delete Google+ profile and tap “OK. “ Again, check the box next to the “required” section at the bottom, then press remove selected services.

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How To Delete A Google Plus Account,Close An Account
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